I believe there is an ongoing need for excellent training resources around the UK, and I am delighted to be collaborating with these trainers who offer Peer Supporter courses.

I provide mentoring and support to several of my fellow babywearing professionals as they facilitate their own peer supporter courses, aiming to provide high quality education about safe babywearing for parents and practitioners. For many years this was done under the Born to Carry name with my colleague Anne McEwan, and has now come under Carrying Matters. All courses cover the same basic essentials but reflect the trainer’s own particular interests and skills.

All peer supporters attending a course run by these trainers are asked to complete a standardised assessment at the end of their courses to ensure good understanding of safety, and will receive a certificate of completion.

If you would like to become a trainer yourself, please contact me directly.

Lizzie Start – based in Southend


Gemma Hamilton – based in Glasgow


Brianna Dymond – based in Birmingham


Karen McCully – based in Kent


Becky Young – based in Northamptonshire